
Interfacing Rust with other languages is a powerful feature that enables developers to reuse existing libraries and perform tasks that might be cumbersome or impossible in pure Rust. This post focuses on Rust’s capabilities to interact with C using FFI and discusses strategies for maintaining safety despite the inherent risks of working with unsafe code.

FFI Basics: Calling C from Rust

Rust’s FFI is a way to interface with the C language. It allows Rust code to call C libraries and functions, which is useful for leveraging existing C codebases or using system libraries that are only accessible via C.

How to Call C from Rust:

  • Defining External Functions:

      extern "C" {
        fn c_function(arg1: i32) -> i32;
    fn main() {
        unsafe {
            let result = c_function(5);
            println!("The result is {}", result);

    This snippet demonstrates defining and calling a simple C function from Rust. The extern "C" block declares that the linked functions follow C’s calling convention.

  • Linking to C Libraries:

    • Ensure that Rust knows how to link to the C library using the script or specifying link attributes.
    • For dynamic linking, make sure the C library is available on your system path or specify its location manually.

Example for Linking:

  fn main() {

Creating Safe Abstractions Over Unsafe Code

While FFI allows Rust to call C code, such interactions are inherently unsafe. To mitigate this, Rust developers often wrap unsafe C interactions in safe Rust abstractions.

Guidelines for Safe Abstractions:

  • Encapsulate Unsafe Code: Encapsulate all unsafe interactions with C within a dedicated module or API. Provide safe interfaces that external code can use without directly dealing with unsafe blocks.
  • Error Handling: Convert C error patterns into Rust Result types, handling null pointers and error codes according to Rust’s safety guarantees.
  • Resource Management: Use Rust’s ownership and borrowing rules to manage resources obtained from C. For example, wrapping a C resource in a Rust struct and implementing the Drop trait ensures proper resource cleanup.

Example of a Safe Wrapper:

  struct CResourceHandle(*mut c_void);

impl CResourceHandle {
    pub fn new() -> Result<Self, String> {
        let handle = unsafe { c_create_resource() };
        if handle.is_null() {
            Err(String::from("Failed to create resource"))
        } else {

    pub unsafe fn do_something(&self) -> i32 {

impl Drop for CResourceHandle {
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        unsafe {

This wrapper safely manages a C resource, providing methods that maintain Rust’s safety guarantees and ensuring proper cleanup through the Drop trait.


Integrating Rust with other languages via FFI opens up a vast array of possibilities but requires careful management to maintain Rust’s safety guarantees. By understanding how to call C functions and abstracting unsafe interactions behind safe APIs, Rust developers can safely leverage existing C codebases or system libraries.

Last updated 06 May 2024, 04:29 UTC . history